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Top 3 Tips to Combat Labour Shortages

17 October 2023

Labour shortages in the construction industry are causing a range of challenges across the board. Whether you’re a small to medium builder or a large developer, everyone is feeling the struggle of finding the right people for the roles available within their company. The flow on effect of not having enough staff (or not having the right staff) can impact deadlines, project delivery dates and the overall success of the business. But it’s not all doom and gloom!

There are ways that you can help combat the labour shortage until the supply/demand ratio becomes more balanced.

Here’s our top 3 tips:

1.  Invest in your team – training and development can positively impact the performance of your employees. Work is carried out more efficiently, plus there is often an uplift in mental health and wellbeing through a greater sense of achievement in their role.

2.  Be flexible – offering flexible working hours if, and where, possible is a fundamental part of employee retention. Recognising the demands people may have outside of the workplace, and showing a willingness to accommodate these needs, builds loyalty.

3.  Plan ahead – taking the time to map out the next 6-12 months can be crucial in finding staff as it gives you the breathing space to identify exactly the type of person you require to join your team rather than making a rushed decision…which could end up being the wrong choice. And, of course, partnering with the right recruiter is essential!



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